Footer Pages

Users can find the footer page at the bottom of the site. Generally, information like ‘About us’, ‘Contact us’ and site ‘Terms of Use’ is found here. There’s already a footer page on your site called “About the Internet of Good Things”. There’s also Terms and Conditions. However, this footer page is currently unpublished.

How to create a footer page

Select Pages –> (Site language) –> Footers. Then select Add Child Page.

Fields requiring attention include:

  • Title: Choose something brief, that clearly explains what the reader can find inside the article. Do not be creative or ambiguous with footer titles.
  • Icon: Select an available icon image or upload your own .SVG image for the icon. This will appear in the footer next to the article title.
  • Lead Image: This is a header image for your page. It will not appear in navigation. Adding a lead image is optional on footer pages.
  • Body: This page is editable as an article. To learn more, visit the Articles section of this section.

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