Accessing the IoGT Data API


The IoGT Data API endpoints are located at https://[]/api/v1/[endpoint].

Documentation on the API's endpoints, their uses, and their locations is located at https://[]/api/docs/.


In order to access the IoGT Data API, you will need to login. You will use your username and password to do this. If you are accessing the API from a browser a popup login window will appear, and if you are accessing from another system you will want to use a standard method for authenticating using username/password.


Once you have authenticated into the API, you will have access to the same data which you have access to when using IoGT through the Admin Panel. An Administrator can change your access settings using the Groups function to change User Roles in IoGT.

Service Accounts

If you need to provide automatic/programmatic data access to an outside system, you can do so by creating a service account. Instructions for creating service accounts can be found here.

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