
Videos and the Digital Divide

Videos add an interactive and engaging experience for users on IoGT, but without care, can unintentional alienate users from the most vulnerable communities. Please note:

  • Facebook Free Basics prohibits video streaming. Pages with videos may not load for users accessing your website through the Free Basics portal. Users accessing IoGT through their own data bundle or as a subscriber benefitting from a UNICEF direct mobile network operator partnership will not be affected by this restriction.
  • Users accessing IoGT through a feature phone are often file size restricted and cannot load videos greater than 9MB.
  • IoGT prohibits video uploads greater than 100MB. Care should be taken to minimize the burden of video uploads on data bundles and network speed.

How IoGT helps

  • IoGT warns administrators uploading videos of Free Basics restrictions. If the administrator is uploading a file greater than 9MB, an additional warning is posted. The 9MB warning threshold can be adjusted in Site Settings to reflect the most common feature phones in your service area.
Video File Size

Compressing Videos prior to Upload

Videos that are greater than 100MB cannot be uploaded to IoGT. Video files that exceed 100MB must be compressed and/or resized to 360px wide using external tools prior to upload in order to meet threshold requirements. Common tools for video editing include Apple MovieMaker, Adobe Rush, and Adobe Express. Online tools, such as Online Converter, are also available.
