
There are several terms and concepts that the IoGT CMS relies on. These terms are presented here.

Syntax Description
CMS Abbreviation for “Content Management System”. A CMS is software that helps manage the creation and modification of digital content, such as articles, images, videos, and documents.
Django Django is a free and open-source software library written in Python that is used to create websites
Wagtail Wagtail is a free and open-source CMS for Django.
IoGT Wagtail CMS IoGT uses Wagtail, Django, and a number of custom code to deploy a website that can scale from feature phones all the way to desktops. Throughout this documentation, this software solution will be referred to as “the IoGT Wagtail CMS”, or more simply as “the CMS”.
Dashboard The initial view immediately after logging into the CMS. Displays the Pages, Images, Documents, and Media files currently loaded on the site, as well as your recently edited Pages and any Pages that are awaiting review.
Page In the IoGT Wagtail CMS, the Page is the simplest form of presenting content. There are different variations of the Page. Each has different use cases. See “Page Types” below for a list of different Page variations.
Page Types Pages can be any one of the following:
- Article
- Homepage
- Poll
- Quiz
- Section
- Survey
- Banner
For more information, see the appropriate definition for each Page Type below.
Article Articles are a Page Type used to present text, images, and other content to the user in an article-like format. Articles are created as a Child Page of a Section. Polls, Surveys, Quizzes, and Media files can be linked to from within an Article.
Homepage The Homepage Page Type can be used to create a custom set of Child Pages to display to the user. They can be used to create a small, curated list of a content. For example, when navigating to, you are accessing a Homepage. When you translate the site into multiple languages, you will create different Homepages for each language.
Poll Polls are a Page Type used to quickly gather information from users. Polls can only contain one question and that question can only take simple answer choices. Surveys should be used when there are multiple questions, or if answers need to be more complex. For more information on the types of answers Polls can take, see “Answer Types” below.
Quiz As the name suggests, Quizzes are a Page Type used to test user knowledge about a topic, such as before or after reading an Article about it. Quizzes have a much broader range of answer types than Polls do. Each question within a Quiz has a correct answer. See “Answer Types” below for more information.
Section Sections are a special kind of Page, as they can contain other Pages within them, including other Sections. Sections that are Child Pages of other Sections are called Subsections. There is no limit to the number of levels of Sections and Subsections. The page for the Section will list the content and Banners within the Section and can be customized.
Survey Whereas Polls are used to quickly gather information and opinions from users, Surveys are used to gather more information. As such, they have a much broader range of answer types, similar to Quizzes. See “Answer Types” below for more information.
Banner Page Banner Pages are special types of Pages which are images that appear at the top of Sections and link to another Page. They can link to Sections, Articles, Surveys, etc. Banner Pages can only be created inside Banner Index Pages. See “Index Page” below for more information.
Index Page Index Pages are special types of Pages that can only exist as the direct child of a Homepage. Index Pages are similar to folders on your operating system, but can only contain one type of Child Page. For example, all site Banners will go into a Banner Index Page. Similarly, all site Footers will go into a Footer Index Page. All Sections go into a Section Index Page. Those Sections can contain any Page, including Articles, Homepages, Polls, Surveys, Quizzes, and Subsections. Sites are typically organized as Homepage -> Index Page -> Pages
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