What is the IoGT Wagtail CMS?

The IoGT Wagtail CMS is an open-source platform built on Wagtail with addditional functionality provided by Django and customizations built specifically for IoGT’s use cases. A CMS is an application that allows you to publish, edit, modify, organise, delete and maintain the content on your site. It allows both developers and editors to manage content. Together with Wagtail, Django, and custom plugins, the IoGT CMS enables content to be published to a website that can be accessed on feature phones and scales up to smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

This CMS Manual will explain how to:

  • navigate the main user interface of Wagtail;
  • add multi-languages;
  • create different kinds of pages in different languages;
  • modify, save, publish and unpublish pages;
  • set up new users and assign them specific roles to create a publishing workflow;
  • upload, edit and include images and documents;
  • add and moderate comments on articles;
  • create, edit, and view responses of surveys, polls, and quizzes

And more!
